Monday 21 November 2011

The 5k dream... better than any time or position aspiration...

I am running out of time for one dream.... I dream of running a 5k race with all five huskies - the 5“K”s running together in a 5K.

The original plan was to achieve this dream run in celebration of Kez winning his 50th parkrun. I now fear that the extra weeks wait to reach this goal will prove too much for Kade.

Kade had another fit last weekend, his mind and body rapidly declining. He can still run, and indeed he loves to run, sometimes he seems to forget where he is in life and runs forward with such enthusiasm. At these times I remember him as the Kade of days gone by.

Next Saturday at Andover parkrun, I am going to make this dream happen..... Kade, Kroft, Kez, Kobi and Kroi will all join me on the start line of a 5k run.

There will be a 6th “K”, helping guide us round the course. Kai, forever present in my heart and mind, will be there. Without him, four of those dogs would not exist and I would not be the person that I am today.

I went for a practise run with all the “K”s this morning. It is certainly challenging to keep them running together as a team. The puppy and teenager wanting to race each other, the old boys wanting to doddle at the back and Kez happy to do whatever his “mum” wants!

When I run all the team together, they are so happy. Each dog fulfilling a different purpose within the team, some more productive than others! They are a pack, a very happy pack that loves to run and loves to be together. And I love the fact that I can give that to them.

It is going to be a very entertaining 3.1 mile run, a memory that I will treasure forever....