Tuesday 16 August 2011

Hot dogs: country bumpkin dogs in city centres...

Salisbury 5-4-3-2-1, fabulous event that offers a variety of distances for both walker and runners - dogs allowed!

Excellent training for me coming the day after a fun 50 miler across the North Downs Way, jog in the park for Kez, and big challenge for little Kobi - running 30k with lots of people....

A rather how day, my first concern is always the well being of the dogs. The dogs have been training in warn conditions and so are very acclimatised to them. They are phenomenally fit and best of all they always let me know well in advance if they need help, i.e. a river swim. I know the signs and it works for us. We train on the race route, and I know where all the accessible river crossing. I also carry water and electrolytes for them, just in case...

Due to the earlier start, we began the run at the same time as the 50k runners (or rather we missed the start and chased after them for the first two miles...) with the intention of picking up the 20k route part way round and completing a final distance of 30k - the furthest Kobi has ever run.

In true Kobi style, we ran the first few miles at more effort than required... Thankfully Kez with his pacer's head on ensured we didn't do 5 minute miling! When Kobi did finally settle, it was an amazing experience to see him actually working with Kez. Head down, tail flying behind, he looked like a true husky. This is the first time he has shown this pose while in harness and bodes very well for his future as a longer distance athlete. Perhaps his dream to one day run a marathon may well become a reality....

The first river stop very nearly resulted in some outdoor swimming for me (much to the amusement of my fellow runners!!) - I forgot that the lines attached to the dogs were much shorter than the ones I normally have when the dogs are bathing in that particular section of the river!! Thankfully Ian was by my side to "anchor" me to the river bank.

We ran alongside our fellow runners for many miles, enjoying the scenery and chatting around us. The usual accusations of "cheating" were easily outweighed by the fantastic compliments and responses from our fellow runners as the huskies trotted past. Kez helped steer Kobi around legs, trees and lamposts. Kobi tried to barge his way through everyone and leave his "scent" on every blade of grass in the Wiltshire countryside....

We ran very slowly to ensure the dogs did not overheat, and stopped for very long times at the drink stations, which had been brilliantly supplied with a great variety of dogs bowls. We even discovered that Kobi rather enjoys jelly babies and Clif Bar Shot blocks!

The road sections (of which there are very few) were a huge problem for us - my country bumpkin dogs are not used to running on pavements and don't quite understand the safety protocol when running down a rather busy road. I do apologise to my fellow runners for our rather extravagant sprint on the road into Alderbury, when we probably clocked 3 minute mile pace in our desparation to get safely to the next traffic free section!!

Ian and I had to separate company in the Longford Estate as he was continuing for the full duration of the 50k, where as we had to now pick up the 20k route and head into Britford and back to Salisbury. A nice muddy tree lined route soon followed and we were able to have a little blast and dismiss the sadness as at not being able to continue with Ian for the full distance.

Kobi started looking a little tired and was beginning to show the behaviour we have come to recognise in our little rescue boy. When he gets tired his confidence drops and he starts to worry about things he is not familiar with. Different people, new challenges etc are all suddenly huge problems for a little boy that feels scared. Kez and I have to give him our confidence - he watches us listens to us and tries to follow our example. Only a few short months ago he would have given up at this point and shut down. Body drop the floor and his brain would shut down - this was how he had evolved in order to protect himself from all the trauma that he was subject to as a baby, before we rescued him.

The next river stop had a fence to negotiate before free river access, which Kez recognised and squeezed under with no problem. Kobi on the other hand convinced himself that the an axe wielding man was hidden within the fence and refused to even touch it. If I panic or show signs of stress, Kobi worsens, and so with a very deep breath and superhuman strength, I somehow managed to lift him over whilst not being hauled into the river by Kez who was happily splashing around! I was rewarded on the exit from river by suddenly seeing two huskies disappearing from me as I had forgotten to attach their dog line onto my running belt!! Thankfully Kez is extremely obedient and came running straight back to me when I called him.

The next challenge for little Kobi was to negotiate a very busy city centre -all that stood between us and the finish was a one mile section of a city full of tourists..... He panicked, I panicked and Kez just put his little head down and tried to drag us round all the obstacles. Kez really is a superstar. I know how stressed he must have been as he is not happy in crowds of people and certainly not ones that keep reaching out to touch him as we run past. People blocked our way and seemed to find it very funny to try and grab at the dogs, which were clearly scared. Poor Kobi was absolutely petrified as he tried to follow Kez. Both of them ran beside me and I tried to reassure them, and encourage them to keep moving. I knew that if we could just keep moving Kobi would be ok. Stressed yes, but it would give him strength for the next time we encounter such a challenge....

And we made it safely to the finish. Stopped short of the finishing chute to ensure our chip time was not recognised, however the sensors did pick it up and we were credited with a very fast 50k time for only running 30k (this has since been rectified).

The first thing I did when we stopped was call Kobi and Kez to me and praise them. Little Kobi just pushed his little body into mine and wanted to be hugged for a very long time. It was so sweet and so like a young human child wanting reassurance from a parent. When I finally managed to prise him out of my arms I looked at his little face and he looked so happy. So different from the puppy we met only last year. This little guy now loves life and all the challenges that it brings. These challenges do make him stronger and he is rapidly becoming a superstar. I am frequently in awe of his resiliance and fighting spirit. He has endured so much and actually appears grateful for what he now has. Human emotion and interpretation I know, but this is one of the reasons why I am able to get so much from my dogs - empathy and a desire to understand their behaviour in human terms.