Thursday 3 May 2012

The Olympic Dream: The need to create a new one...

The opportunity of a lifetime? To hold in one's own hand, the Olympic Flame as it travels across Great Britain to reach its destination, the Olympic Stadium and the start of the 2012 Olympic Games. To be considered inspirational and worthy of participating in the Olympic Torch Relay is a dream of the highest magnitude...

When I first heard the news that I had been selected to take part in the relay, I was overcome with emotion. The breath was squeezed from my lungs and my heart pounded out of control, as the fire in my belly threatened to extinguish the butterflies as they tried to escape....

I was nominated to participate in the Olympic Torch relay for two reasons: my success in the ultra running world (after being told that I would never run again); and for the little dog's life that I saved and taught how to love and trust again (after being severely abused and neglected by humans).

Kobi and I had been selected to carry the Olympic Torch. We were going to be part of the Olympic Games!! My very own little doggy equivalent of Usain Bolt and I were going to participate in the most amazing event!

The excitement of the news made me glow for many months. I felt like I was the little person from the Ready Brek advert of years ago, “Ready Eddy” with his permanent glow!  Our allocated relay leg, the village of Burton Bradstock would be next on the Huskies Running tour of beautiful places in Britain.  All five dogs, each wearing a collar the colour of an Olympic ring.

And then the unthinkable happened..... Kobi left us and now runs free forever over the Rainbow Bridge and our beautiful little boy Kade will soon also live in a world where pain and suffering does not exist. 
I no longer feel the fire in my belly or the buzz in my mind. Every time I think of the Olympic Torch I feel immense sadness and gut wrenching loss. I no longer want to be a part of something so very special. I failed in my duty to protect forever my little Kobi and our little family. I feel that I am not worthy of the title of “Olympic Torch Bearer”.

I feel what I do, yet I know that I need to overcome this feeling. I need to find a way to carry the torch in Kobi's memory. He was a very special little character. I miss him so much, but I owe him this opportunity to be remembered in a very special way.

I have two months and one week to overcome my feelings, two months to come up with a plan and a new dream. Perhaps another dog that goes by the name of Wildenfree Phoenix Tail can help. More commonly known by his pet name, Kez.... rising from the ashes, the Phoenix will fly.....